Memories of 7th Grade

Seventh grade has given me many fun memories, but here are three. My first one is Night at the Museum. Night at the Museum was a project I did in my core class where I got to learn about a specific area of the Middle Ages. I specifically learned about life in medieval villages. This project will always have a special place in my heart. I worked really hard on my trifold and speech and had a great time while doing it. I enjoyed getting to learn lots about a specific area in the Middle Ages. I also enjoyed getting to design my own trifold. The evening event was super fun getting to present what I learned to others and it will definitely be a memory I will keep for a long time. Another memory I made this year was hanging out with my friends at break and lunch. I always have so much fun when I hang out with my friends. Even when I’m in a bad mood, I know they will put a smile on my face. Throughout this year I’ve made so many fun memories with my friends that I will treasure forever. The third memory is when I got student of the month from Ms. Cordero and Highlander of the day from Ms. Moffat. This meant so much to me because I love being in Ms. Cordero and Ms. Moffat’s classes. I’m not someone who understands things right away after I learn it and I’ve worked really hard this year to try and understand things so when I got recognized I was super surprised. I never think I’m good enough so getting recognized gave me self confidence. Seventh grade has been one of my favorite years yet and I’m sad it’s almost over! I will miss all my amazing teachers but can’t wait for eight grade!

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